Hormonal Imbalance in Women

 Hormonal Imbalance in Women

Hormonal imbalance is a typical condition which is prevalent among women especially those who are in the middle age group. These results bring about other complications which can had myriads of effect on a women’s live as well as various relationships with numerous other people.

This article is an attempt for taking up various topics for enlightening with informations combined with the background discussions on the topic of hormonal imbalance. You have to utilize the search engine for finding out various causes of hormonal imbalance as well as steps to combat the same. For taking this problem for evolving solution it is necessary for understanding the delicate imbalances in a woman’s body. There are a couple of hormones, estrogen and progesterone. When one improves in production of this the other hormone also stages an improvement commensurate with the increase in the first one.

Hormonal imbalances are caused by a woman’s lifestyle. Nutrition, stress, physical activities, and ovulation or lack of it are factors that can cause an imbalance in the production of these couple of hormones. Exposure to household chemicals as well as exhaust from the car and a strict regimen of consumption of these tablets the effect of which can contribute to the disruptions in these couple of hormones, should be noted. In an industrialized countries these phenomenon is very common and women are prone to development of hormonal imbalances.

Various symptoms of Hormonal imbalance in women noticeable itself which are Facial hair growth, Premenstrual syndrome, Oily skin, Bone loss, Depression, Hot flashes, Irritability, Irregular menstrual periods, Heavy or painful menstrual periods, Nervousness, Sleep disturbances, Weight gain, Vaginal dryness, Poor concentration, Fatigue, Memory lapses, Anxiety, Wrinkles, Tender breasts, Allergy, Night sweats, loss of scalp hair, Bloating, Loss of muscle mass.

When hormones are very important to the body an imbalance would lead to complications. These imbalanced conditions offer risks of development of cervical as well as ovarian cancers and this may lead to infertility.

Hormonal imbalance in women can be combated by controlling diet as well as exercise regimen.

A healthy lifestyle should be maintained for keeping this syndrome under control. Processed foods should not be taken as they contain lot of chemicals that can interfere with the production of the couple of hormones. Dairy products as well as non-vegetarian dishes should be avoided or they should be kept at a minimum level. A good diet should contain omega-3 and omega-6 acids which can be found in seeds of sunflower and pumpkin. Chemicals found in soy beans can also be useful for maintaining delicate hormonal imbalance by giving the needed estrogen to the human body.

Synthetic hormones are used in therapies which prevent hormonal imbalances in women. Many pharmaceutical companies involved themselves in manufacturing these hormones without any difficulty.

Therapies have various benefits whether synthetic or natural for women when such a balance is restored.

  • The benefits as follows:
  • Reduced menstrual problems
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Improved vaginal lubrication
  • Less frequent episodes of mood swings
  • Improved metabolism
  • Improved sex drive

Thus, hormonal imbalance in women can be kept under check which will enable proper exercise as well as dietary regimen including consumption of proper tablets as administered by doctors.


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